Healthcare Marketing and the Seasonal Benefits

It’s that time of the year again, kids are back in school, parents begin the shuffle of taking little Tim to football practice, and the leaves have started to change. With healthcare marketing it’s often over looked that it too has seasonality, just like every other business. It may not be the same as gearing up for the holiday shopping season, but it still must be recognized in your healthcare marketing plan.
Healthcare Marketing with the Seasonal Benefits
As a marketer we are always challenged with looking at things from the mindset of the potential prospects. What are they looking for? What might they be worried about? What causes them to lose sleep at night? Many of the answer to these question change based on the season.
Make your Seasonal Content Relevant and Timely
For a general healthcare practice, what do you think is top of mind for most individuals in the upcoming month? If you guessed FLU season, you’re right! It’s perfect timing to develop a blog and social media post around this.
That might seem like a simple concept but as a healthcare marketer, you need to think even deeper then that. Let’s go back to little Tim that we referenced earlier. As little Tim continues to grow, he’s signing up for various extracurricular activities and this year he chose football.
As a healthcare organization, you should be developing content around these topics; potential injuries, how to stretch, picking the right provider. This content should be focused toward the parent, educating them on preventative, preparation, and how to react when their loved one might walk off the field with an injury.
Generating Seasonal Content Ideas
Many industries struggle to come up with great content ideas. Healthcare marketing has many opportunities; spring, summer, fall, and winter all seasons have ideas right in front of us.
Just take some time with your team to brainstorm topics that are relevant to your potential prospects. Exploring issues from their mindset of what might be bothering our friends and family as the seasons transition.
As the seasons are always changing, staying ahead of the competitive edge is key. We are here to help, reach out to us as you look for various ways to get your message in front of the right audience. The above ideas might seem very simple, but is your healthcare practice doing this efficiently? Let us do what we do, and you can focus on providing the trusted healthcare your patients deserve.
If you’re looking for help in creating a healthcare marketing initiative,
contact us or call us directly at 1-866-477-4420.